Got Questions?
All ORU students (grad and undergrad), staff, and faculty are welcome to serve on ORU Outreach once they've completed the ORU Outreach Application.
You can find the ORU Outreach Application link here!
Fill out the ORU Outreach Leadership Application and wait for our office to contact you for an interview. Leaders are selected at the beginning of September.
Yes! ORU Outreach leadership is one of the only leadership opportunities on campus for freshmen. Freshmen are welcome to apply for leadership or to join as an outreach member.
We highly encourage carpooling to the outreach location! You'll meet the rest of the outreach team at Lower Lot Security, and your team leaders will help ensure everyone has a ride. If you can drive or carpool with other students, that is the best way to get to outreach. Some outreaches may also have ORU vans available for those who need a ride, but space is limited.
Every Outreach Team is student-led! The Team Leader and Assistant Team Leader will create a group chat to which you can be added. If you need something during the outreach, find the leader who is with the team that night or text in the group chat.
Absolutely! You are responsible keeping track of when and where you serve and for completing the Community Service Hours Form at the end of the semester.
Each outreach has a set number of hours you can get by attending (e.g., if you attend University Village, you receive 2 hours of Community Service Hours).
We can only grant Community Service Hours for outreaches that our office coordinates; if you volunteer with an organization on your own, we cannot give you credit for those hours.
You’re invited to join us on Halloween night! Instead of trick-or-treating for candy, you’ll collect canned goods for an amazing local ministry called John 3:16. The canned goods we collect will help fill up their food pantry for the holiday season. It’s a blast helping an amazing organization in the Tulsa community, and you’ll get to meet and pray for Tulsa residents too.
Serve Saturdays are opportunities in the Spring for students to serve an outreach location that needs a lot of hands at one time! There will be three Serve Saturdays in the Spring, and anyone from the ORU community can join. If you're on an ORU Mission Team, you'll have a chance to serve together in a practical way. Each Saturday will be held at a different outreach location.
February 8 | March 8 | April 12
Watch our Instagram for more details!